Modern Slavery Act Section 54 - Latest statement
What can it do for you?
View the latest UK Modern Slavery Act statements we were able to find for organisations and the financial year it applies to. When combined with our Modern Slavery Act Section 54 - Required to comply dataset you can find potentially risky organisations.
More about the data
This dataset is completely free to our members and can be used on any of our dashboards.
As the original repository of the UK Modern Slavery Act prior to the UK Government registry we have access to historical statements dating back to 2016 when the first statements were published. Since then we have been maintaining our repository of statements for organisations both in and out of scope for each financial year. Currently we host over 60,000 statements and this list grows every day. We continue to identify statements using the following methods:
- Submitted to the website by the organisations themselves
- Found via our TISCbots
- Exports from the UK Government registry
For each organisation we hold a historical backlog of statements over the financial years and we are able to show the latest statement for each organisation in this dataset accessible on any of the analytical dashboards.