Published on: 29 March 2023

AI and automation will increase effectiveness of scrutiny of high-risk suppliers to UK’s public sector

A New Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02/23 was published on the 10th February, in relation to public bodies tackling modern slavery in Government supply chains.

It applies to all Central Government Departments, their Executive Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies, and NHS bodies, and are referred to in PPN 02/23 as ‘In-Scope Organisations’. Local authorities have not been added in at this stage however it is recommended that they adjust accordingly.

In summary the actions include:

  • using the guidance ‘Tackling Modern Slavery in Government Supply Chains’ to identify and manage risks in both new procurement activity and existing contracts.
  • Update their risk assessments to include key sectors of concern such as cotton, PPE and polysilicon
  • Ensure potential suppliers provide supply chain information at selection stage of new procurements designated as high risk of modern slavery
  • consideration of additional guidance on enhanced due diligence activities and using existing exclusion grounds more effectively.

All new procurement activity from April 1st 2023 needs to have these actions applied.

High risk sectors listed include:

  • Agriculture
  • Mining
  • Logging
  • Fishing and fisheries
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing and electronics
  • Garment/ textile production, including footwear
  • Food processing - Services, including the hospitality, security services, cleaning and catering
  • Logistics, including warehousing, transport
  • Healthcare, social care

TISCreport offers free public sector dashboards and discounted data subscriptions to aid public bodies in scope of PPN 02/23. A specific PPN02/23 compliance dashboard is available at public sector rates for all those in scope or local government bodies wishing to increase their due diligence in this area.