Published on: 4 October 2017

In response to the relatively low awareness of UK companies about their obligations to comply with the Modern Slavery Act, the Home Office has directed partners to two registers, one of which is TISCreport. Publishing with TISCreport is not mandatory but does show a beyond-best-practice approach to supply chain transparency. More critically howevever it joins the dots with compliance data for suppliers to the UK public sector, as well as non-financial risk data from multiple sources.
Not surprisingly the TISCreport register has gained significant momentum and now holds 0.5 Million UK supplier records available for companies to check their for compliance status for an increasing number human rights and labour rights legislations. Critically, the Welsh Government chose TISCreport to track sign-up to their Code of Practice for Ethical Employment in Supply Chains, which has enabled labour rights abuses on UK soil to be addressed as part of the same spectrum within which Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking resides. This is now of interest to other legislatures globally.