Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question you might find the answer here in this FAQ. If not please just drop us a line and we'll do our best to answer it.

What is TISCreport and why is my organisation in this dashboard? is the transparency-in-supply-chains platform that was set up in response to the enactment of Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act. Originally tracking compliance with Section 54, our ethical buyers have asked us to expand to other contextual ESG indicators, including non-financial compliance with Payment Practices Reporting, Gender Pay Gap, and softer measures (Real Living Wage Accreditation, B-Corp Accreditation, Social Enterprise Status).

Your organisation is listed because it has been assigned a URN from Crown Commercial Service. We would like to make it available to suppliers in the hope that you can find those that also enable you to achieve your social impact targets. It will also enable you to indicate in your profile if you are looking to increase your spends with specific types of organisations e.g. BAME-led/Owned, Female-Led/Owned, Social Enterprise/Third Sector, Micro-businesses etc.